Instill proper physical game foundation.
Introduce an efficient sparing system to improve their scores.
Introduce more advanced techniques.
Physical Game Foundation:
Aiming and accuracy
For complete beginners to bowling, unless they choose a specific style, I will let them try out both two handed and one handed styles to let them experience the differences, and they can make a choice on which style to specialise on in the later lessons.
Efficient Sparing System:
Sparing is the key for achieving high scores
Aiming across the lane to maximise room for errors
Where to stand and aim for each specific spare
Introduce more Advanced Techniques:
What is pocket entry angle
Why the curving motion of the bowling ball is so important
How to generate rotation
How to get the ball to curve on the lane with the rotation
Coaching Programme for competitive Bowlers:
-Use biomechanics and sport science theories to improve and fine tune their physical game, to lead them to maximise their potential.
-Teaching them the relationship between pocket entry angle and strikes.
-How to maximise the entry angle with different releases
-Teaching strategies and science behind equipment selection, when to use certain balls, surface etc.
-Teaching bowlers how to read competitive sport pattern lane charts, and to devise strategies for each pattern.
-intensive spare training close to competition, to explain why missing spares can make or break a tournament
Illustrating breakpoints
Bowling cores and how they affect ball motion
Explaining the difference in bowling ball coverstock materials.
Understanding lane pattern charts and developing strategies to score on them.